Chef Lindsay Rice is a gourmet natural foods chef with a background in Macrobiotics. She is the creator of Nourishing Spirits cooking business and has had a full clientele as a personal chef. Lindsay has cooked for several retreats as well and enjoys the enhancement her healing and nurturing touch in the kitchen brings to retreat participants. Nourishing Spirits Sample Menus:
Breakfasts: Clear Soup Lunches: Corn and Sweet Potato Soup Soba Noodles with Spicy Peanut Sauce Quinoa Corn Salad with Basil Sandwiches: Tabouli Zucchini, Lemon and Leek Soup Yam and Spinach Soup |
Dinners: Barley Vegetable Soup Southwestern Italian Home-style Japanese Moroccan
Nourishing Spirits Head Chef Retreat Cooking Rates All grocery costs are additional and vary depending upon the menus selected. Other Services: Personal Cooking Services